petroleum building

Ghouls and Gobblins, Oh my!

The Petroleum Building hosted a successful festive annual Halloween Costume Contest, held on October 31, 2024, which was co-hosted by Art Lewin’s Bespoke company—a tenant in suite 1010. This year, the event drew participation from over 50 enthusiastic tenants, showcasing their spooky innovative vibes and ghouly creative spirits. [...]

Summer Shiatsu Massage Series

This summer from late July through August 2024, we welcomed our expert acupuncturist David Di and his massage team back to work with our tenants, this time, for a tenant chair massage series in our Wellness Room. This summer from late July through August 2024, we welcomed [...]

2024 Earth Day Festivities – Plastic Wars

The 2024 Earth Day event hosted by the Petroleum Building property management office, in collaboration with musician and activist Julia Holter, was a resounding success, emphasizing the urgent need to address the plastic crisis.

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Health and Wellness Speaker & Acupuncturist, David Di on Chinese Medicine

Our Health and Wellness speaker—acupuncturist and Chinese medicine expert David Di focused on common body pain such as lower back pain, neck pain, headaches, and fatigue that often result from extensive and repetitive sitting and computer work. He walked us through remedies and taught us about acupuncture points and exercises that would help relieve these symptoms.

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